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PDF Reader Remember Last Page: A Handy Option for Resuming Your Reading

Aldiko is an eBook reader that reads PDFs as well, remember the last page you were at and on top of that allows you to set bookmarks, something that Adobe Reader and most other readers I tried won't let you do.

pdf reader remember last page

How to make pdftools remember the page I was on when I close a PDF document, restart Emacs and reopen the PDF? Some PDF readers after opening a document go to the last page the user was on and don't start from the beginning, I'd like Emacs to do the same.

I want to know if I can return to the last page opened for PREVIEW app. I am reading a 168 pages PDF and every time I open the PDF, it is at page 1 and I have to scroll or jump to the last page that I was reading before I shutdown the Mac. The preference setting is already set but doesn't seem to work for me. Another issue is if it will retain the previous position and size of the PDF that I was reading. For this my observation was that it worked just for once when the Catalina was FIRST installed. The PREVIEW app will remember the position where the PDF was located on the screen as well as the last page that I was reading. But along the way, this behaviour was gone and I do not know what has cause it to disappear. When I knew it, it was "too late".

I have tried that option previously and it wasn't working. But miracle happened. It is working now. However, it does not remember the last open the previously resized position. One of the PDF always open and occupy the entire window. I resize smaller but it always open full window.

Preview is pretty much what you see if what you get as Apple has minimal preference settings. In my original reply, I mentioned how you could change Acrobat Reader DC to reopen at the last visited page, which works for me.

How PDF viewer remembers the last page we were on when we back? I built app with android studio When I exit and go back to reading, I want to remember the page I was reading. Please guid me.I used barteksc/AndroidPdfViewer

After getting the ID, you need to use that as key when saving the page number into shared preferences. This allows you to simply use the unique identifier to query the last saved page from shared preferences.

You are reading a long PDF document or an ebook and you want to take a break. Adobe Acrobat has a setting which allows it to remember on what page you left when you closed it last along with the display option you had chosen. But sometimes as it happens, this setting stops working with certain PDF files while it works just fine with others. And why does that happen?

Now open the cropped_pages.pdf file with a PDF reader. You should see a file with two pages, the first containing the text from the left-hand side of the original first page, and the second containing the text from the original right-hand side.

Sumatra allows multiple instances but STDUviewer no. You have to use sandboxes... I tried, its ok...In practice, I keep one STDUViewer for set of books i need to change very often (e.g reference manual/data sheets sets for physics, math, chemistry, etc). I have sets of books for say chemistry (e.g fixed set of 15 text-books) which wont change often... for those, I use SUMATRA. Its good to remember that the software Calibre offer a vast array of plugins to convert rare format of books to one SUMATRA reads. Its extremely rare to meet a format Sumatra won't read... Even DJVU format (there is a special reader DjVuReader 2.0.026 though)

Sumatra doesn't restore sessions. Found out after recent windows 10 restart. Although if you manually reopen all those PDFs again then it will load them from last setting on exact page but those tabs won't restore. Looking for something that restores tabs like google chrome.

I installed Foxit free pdf reader from their website, carefully disagreed to install of browser extension & one antivirus like app that shows up with the installer and was greeted with Foxit reader start page. Went straight into settings and there is option to restore tabs & sessions, turned all that on.

With book documents, chapters usually start on a right page. If I want to make a pdf, the spread option does not work for the last page from one document and the first page from the next document. I get single pages for these two. (This is not for final print, but only to show clients what their pages look like.)

I recently upgraded to Adobe Acrobat Pro. 8.0. Now each time I open and a new pdf and go to save it via 'save as' it defaults to the temp directory. I am saving high volumes of files. Normally it remembers the directory of where you saved the last pdf file. How do I get Pro. 8.0 to remember the location of the last saved file like the previous versions did. Is this a simple setting issue.

It's a lightweight PDF reader for MacBook, which can also take notes. The reader supports annotated PDF papers as well. As to reading, the reader offers a one-swipe mode to enable highlighted text, add notes to each page, use it for presentation with built-in transitions.

For pages that appear consecutively, select the first page you intend to extract and then hold the Shift key on your keyboard, then locate the last page and click on it to highlight the set of pages

To change the interface settings click on the Interface tab. If you want the tabs to be spread out press the spread tabs checkbox. The Tab position changes where the tabbar on the window. The Tab visibility menu can be set to as needed, always or never which will show or hide the tabbar. The checkbox for New tab next to current tab opens new tabs next to the current one. The field Recently used count lets you set the maximum number of files to keep around in recently used. The Spread tabs checkbox spreads the tabs to take up the whole tab bar and they get smaller the more tabs you open. To have qpdfview close when the last tab in qpdfview is closed check the Exit after last tab checkbox. To change the number of recently used PDF files in the menu change the Recently used count field. To change how many recently closed tabs of PDFs are shown change the Recently closed count field. To toggle showing the current page in the window title check the Current page in window title. 2ff7e9595c

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