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Aguilar-Alvarez, Maria Eugenia; Saucedo-Castañeda, Gerardo; Durand, Noel; Perraud-Gaime, Isabelle; González-Robles, Rosa Obdulia and Rodríguez-Serrano, Gabriela Mariana(2021)The variety, roasting, processing, and type of cultivation determine the low OTA levels of commercialized coffee in Chiapas State, Mexico.Food Control, p. 108088.
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Cardona, Aurélie and Lamine, Claire(2010)PROJETS MULTI-ACTEURS ET POLITIQUES PUBLIQUES : UN MOYEN DE DEVELOPPER LES SYSTEMES BAS INTRANTS ET L'AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ?Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, Montpellier, France.
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Corre-Hellou, Guénaëlle; Bedoussac, Laurent; Bousseau, David; Chaigne, Gaëtan; Chataigner, Claude; Celette, Florian; Cohan, Jean-Pierre; Coutard, Jean-Paul; Emile, Jean Claude; Floriot, Mathieu; Foissy, Damien; Guibert, Stéphanie; Hemptinne, Jean-Louis; Le Breton, M.; Lecomte, Christophe; Marceau, C.; Mazoué, Frédéric; Mérot, Emmanuel; Métivier, Thierry; Morand, Paul; Naudin, Christophe; Omon, B.; Pambou, Innocent; Pelzer, Elise; Prieur, Loïc; Rambaut, Gilles and Tauvel, O.(2013)Associations céréale-légumineuse multi-services.Innovations Agronomiques, pp. 41-57.
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