Schoolboy Q premiered "Yay Yay", as the first song to be released from Oxymoron on March 22, 2013, which was produced by Canadian record producer Boi-1da. The song was described by Schoolboy Q as a "coming of age drug tale."[46][63][64] On April 16, 2013 "Yay Yay" was released as a digital download as the album's first promotional single.[65] In a March interview with Vibe, after the interviewer referred to the song as the album's first single, Schoolboy Q stated "["Yay Yay"] is not a single, but it's a record we put out there."[26] It was conclusively deemed a buzz single.[26] In April, Schoolboy Q announced that an official remix of the song would be released featuring American trap rapper Jeezy.[66] However, in August 2013, he would later tell MTV that the remix had not come together and would not be released.[49] Ultimately, "Yay Yay" was included as a bonus track on the iTunes deluxe edition of the album.
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